Hello Everyone!

This will be my blog to keep you updated with my round the world travel adventure :) love to you all xxx

Friday, 2 April 2010

Perth....the beginning of the oz experience!

So after my embarasing flight, i arrived in Perth absolutely knackered to then get interviewed 3 times by immigration and my bags searched by sniffer dogs, i think maybe now i must look like a dodgy traveller??!!

My friend Tom and Katie that i went to uni with are now living in perth so i plan on seeing them whilst in perth. Tom is teaching English at an international school and told me to stay in the hostel next to his work, so when i arrived i went to meet Tom. It was so good to see him and catch up about uni, he walked me into perth city and showed me the sights. Perth was a lot smaller than what i expected but a lovely city with a chilled out vibe. There is one little street that looks like it has been dropped straight from England, its like a traditional old english street where you can buy branston pickle, marmite etc.Athough it is a very pretty city, with qute a lot of atomsphere. Tom introduced me to all his students (they all are adults) and we went out for the evening. Tom has his friend Shelley from uni staying so the next day we all went t meet katie down on scarbourough beach, it was nice but the beach is nothing like asia, it was quite windy and the waves were really big with loads of people surfing or kite surfing, not the typical placid sea id been used to but at least it was a sunny day and could top up the tan.

The following day we went to a place called Joondoloop to go to a 'beach'party, but when we got there it was a bar with sand in it! But we had such a good time and probably drank far too much!!! alcohol is really expensive too! They call an off liciense a bottle shop here and you could drive through a town and there will be a drive through bottle shop!!....not promoting drink driving at all, right?!

The nest day was my adventure day to rocknest island. I got the train to a place called freemantle - its such a lovey little town, it looks like its set in a time frame years ago, with really gorgeous old buildings. I caught the bus to Rocknest island, which is absolutely beautiful, not cars are allowed on the island so i hired a bike and went riding for the day! now they say you never forget how to ride a bike, and i suppose thats technically true, i didnt fall off but i couldnt remember how to use the gears! And i definatelt forgot how uncomfortable those seats are!!! I went for a snorkel at one of the beach spots but came quickly out of the water as it was so cold!! after i dried off i went to get back on my bike and someone had bloody knicked it....so what did i do.....knick someone elses of course!

My perth trip was coming to an end and on my last day i met up with katie and tom and went out for dinner. We went to this vegetarian indian restaurant whihc is ran by volunteers, you can eat as much as you want and pay whatever you like??!! the best invention ever!we then took a walk to kings park, which is a lovely park set quite high up and it overlooks perth city, the view at night was gorgeous!

I really enjoyed perth, it has taken me a little while to get into the swing of oz, i am really missing not being in asia, i just loved it so much!everything is just so expensive here and not as much culture as i have been used too! Im looking foward to going to sydney and seeing sam and meeting back up with amy and chris, they have been in cambodia and vietnam so will be good to catch up! oh and yeah we are travelling the east coast in a camper....definately could be an interesting trip!

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